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glossary of key concepts

  • alterhuman: an identity that falls outside the range of what society deems a normal human identity
    • alterbeing: a less human-centric version of the term "alterhuman"
    • otherkin: an individual who identifies as a nonhuman entity, possibly based on spiritual beliefs, psychological experiences, or a mix of both
    • therianthrope: an individual who identifies as a nonhuman animal, possibly based on spiritual beliefs, psychological experiences, or a mix of both
  • animundi: a portmanteau of the latin phrase anima mundi, which refers to the world soul, the innate connection between all living things
  • panpsychism: the view that consciousness is a fundamental and ubiquitous quality of the natural world ... that consciousness is to some degree inherent to all existing matter
  • neurodivergence: divergence in mental or neurological function from what is considered typical
  • plurality/multiplicity: a wide spectrum of experiences where more than one consciousness inhabits a single body
    • system: a group of people/consciousnesses within one body/brain
    • alter/headmate/facet: an individual within a system
  • queer: an umbrella term for people who are not heterosexual or are not cisgender, originally meaning "strange" or "peculiar" ... can arguably also include things like kink and cis gender nonconformity

queerness, plurality, alterhumanity, neurodivergence and so on and so on are all natural states of being; spectrums that everyone can find a place for themselves on. radical inclusion and support of self-identification in these movements is vital as is acknowledgment that no person on earth truly fits into the boxes we've built, not even the ones adamantly refusing to dismantle those boxes...

neurotypical people, cis people, etc.. they exist insofar as the people identifying as such exist; insofar as people who consider themselves "normal" exist; but these are socially constructed, vaguely-defined categories that break down into nonsense when one examines them close enough. they are not defaults - they are natural variations, as much as queerness, as much as neurodivergence more .. no less...

gender - entirely constructed, it goes without saying, but also ... well . animals as a rule do not experience exclusive sexuality - they simply exhibit patterns of behavior... even our closest nonhuman relatives show no leaning towards any strict , inborn gender preference... to think humans would be biologically unique in this regard ... it doesnt make sense, does it?

neurodivergence is already defined so loosely and perfectly for this discussion. “neurotypical” is a trap, an impossible expectation. as with many of these examples, it is useful , perhaps , for discussions of oppression - but not for discussions of real categorization of some biological reality.. a neurotypical brain structure doesn’t exist, not really ...

... species too, yes, is flimsy ... taxonomy - a confusing field, so much overlapping and contradictory information - how does one decide where one species ends and another begins - how does one define a fish, a dinosaur, a bird, a lizard... like everything else these categories were created by us, defined by us in the face of a universe that inherently defies clear-cut categorization...a universe that naturally tends towards chaos...

... acknowledge these categories as occasionally useful, as guides, but not as ultimate truths to live by ... evolution , progress doesn’t happen by following a strict set of rules, it happens when you defy the norm and succeed anyway ..

... in the end we are one massive consciousness, experiencing the world through many different , smaller iterations of ourself, ... through different bodies: all with their own preferences and interpretations of our experiences with the world... all of which are natural, normal, inevitable - they must be, or else they would not occur in the first place ...

and pray tell what does it all mean? you can say everything is a social construct but when everything is a social construct, nothing is a social construct, you know? it all becomes meaningless at some point, surely... doesn’t, it’s not and someday i’ll prove it, just trust me for now that, yes, these trappings i talk so much about are malleable and up for interpretation in incredibly real documented ways and not just in the vague “everything is socially constructed lol” way... even life itself, the very state of being alive, is hard to define... to think that we can’t even get that quite right..! it makes one wonder.. perhaps the taxonomic approach , in general, overall, is just a bit outdated...